Visionaries | Online Gathering

September 3, 2020 6:00 - 7:15pm

Your Next Big Move

We believe God is calling you to make big moves and we know that we are in a season of change, growth, and planting new seeds. Where has God called you in this season?

Our next Visionaries Online Gathering will equip you for Your Next Big Move! Are you looking for your next position and you need to shore up your resume and interviewing skills? Or, are you looking to start that side hustle, freelance, or take the first steps of an entrepreneurial journey? Maybe, you’re looking for new strategies to optimize your skills in working remotely online while managing priorities and tasks at home throughout the day? If one of these scenarios sounds like you, then you need to join us on September 3rd for our next visionaries online gathering. We will have expert speakers in each of these 3 scenarios and move into virtual breakout rooms for the workshops based on your current need or area of interest!

We will start promptly at 6PM ET and end around 7:15PM ET. This event is free, so make sure to invite your friends and colleagues.