Our Commitment
As a church we are committed to equipping and discipling people and we have a whole range of ways we do that, from Sunday services to Community Groups and ministries like Visionaries and Liberty Sisterhood. But there are also times in life when circumstances require extra assistance from our Care team. These can include:
Getting married, Marriage issues, Grief and loss, Relationship issues of all kinds, Trauma, Family tensions, Financial pressures
What it looks like
Care at Liberty Church can take many forms, depending on the situation and a person’s unique needs. Our Care team ministers across all of our Liberty Church communities. Pathways for care include:
- One-on-one
- Prayer and healing
- Home and hospital visitation
- Pre-marriage and marriage guidance and tools
- New babies and family
- Referrals to long-term counseling, substance abuse services, or other helping professionals
- Pregnancy, confidential care and referral services