Fasting As A Family – 10 Day Fasting Guide
Family Prayer and Fasting Guide
A great way for families to begin the practice of prayer and fasting together is to fast electronics. As children ease into the concept of removing things in order to hear Jesus more clearly, we recommend you prayerfully consider how much fasting your children are ready for or able to do as many schools are over Zoom. It may be fasting electronics during meals, half days, weekdays, or all together. We have crafted a 10 day plan that will assist you in focusing your attention and affection on Jesus. Use the talking points and prayers to facilitate discipleship conversations as a family, as you fast from the distraction of social media, streaming content, electronic devices, etc. We pray you find this time to be an intentional discipling experience that brings strength and connection to your family and to God.
Day 1: Creating space during meal times
During meal time, enjoy the presence of family without electronics or other distractions. Using this meal time as a way to turn your heart towards one another, to appreciate the beauty of the Lord through each other. Try asking one another these questions.
Meal Time Talking Points: One new thing you learned about God this week. One person you want to share it with. One thing you are thankful for.
Day 2: Creating space alone
Encourage each member of your family to spend time today alone with God. As you sit in the presence of the Lord, meditate on the goodness of God. Ask yourself, “What brings me comfort when things are difficult?”, “What is one thing that I need or want in order to really be happy? “If I had nothing else, would Jesus be enough?” Remember that we will not always get it right, everyone places things as more important than God sometimes. God doesn’t expect us to get it right all the time either (that was Jesus’ job), what God desires of us is to ask for his grace and forgiveness, and to remain close to Him even when we don’t get it right.
Talking Points: As a family, talk about how easy it is to place things we desire over God. It’s it is important that our children know that keeping God first in our lives is hard work. Model to your children what it looks like to ask God to fill your heart with Him instead of the things you use for comfort or happiness. Allow yourself and your family to accept grace and forgiveness when you need it.
Day 3: Creating intentional relationships over a meal
Fun fact, In the Book of Luke, Jesus is either coming from a meal, at a meal, or going to a meal! Spending time in discipleship around a meal, certainly was important to Jesus’ ministry. During dinner time tonight, read Matthew 26:17-29. Use this time together to focus on the words of Jesus and what that can mean for us today.
Meal Time Talking Points: What would it be like to be a disciple at the last supper. What did they feel, hear, see, think, say? What do you think Jesus is asking us to do?
Day 4: Creating random acts of service
Think of someone in or near your home; either your parent/child, sibling, spouse, neighbor, etc. To truly embrace humility and the servant heart of Jesus, consider one act of radical love you could do for that person. It could be completing chores without being asked, maybe it’s baking cookies for a neighbor, showing grace to your sibling, or telling your spouse one thing you appreciate about them.
Day 5: Creating space to dream
Spend 15 minutes in silence and solitude today. Ask God for wisdom and discernment in one particular area. Ask the Holy Spirit for guidance. Allow Jesus to resurrect old dreams! Be bold and share this dream with someone else, you may even want to get crafty and build a dream board!! Let others experience God’s wisdom through you! Encourage your family to dream with God. Pray together for God’s wisdom.
Day 6: Creating a strong foundation
Yesterday we dreamed with God. Today, we can spend time naming and proclaiming who God is! Take 15 minutes today to play the bible verse game. The game is easy, see who can find the following verses (in a paper bible) the fastest! Once the verse has been found, read it out loud and name the adjective to describe God. (Verses to search for: 1 Corinthians 10:13, 2 Peter 3:9, Psalm 18:30, Psalm 50:6, Psalm 116:5)
Day 7: Creating time of prayer
God loves us so much that He lives with us, and we each have a special place in our hearts where God makes His house. Today, thank God for building his Kingdom within us and around the world! Think about things God might like to see in his house (nice words, generosity, people helping, etc). How can you fill your own house with those things? As a family, pray for God to help you and believers everywhere to fill His house with pleasing things
Day 8: Creating boldness
Sharing the Gospel can be scary! It seems daunting to be so vulnerable and transparent with strangers, close friends or family who don’t yet know Jesus. But it doesn’t have to be! Cultivate boldness today! Focus on how you would share the Gospel with someone in your life. As a family, talk about what you might say to that person. Pray the Gospel prayer over your family.
Talking points: What is the gospel message? What has it meant to you? What is one thing you would want someone to know about Jesus?
Gospel prayer:
1. “In Christ, there is nothing I can do that would make You love me more, and nothing I have done that makes You love me less.”
2. “Your presence and approval are all I need for everlasting joy”.
3. “As You have been to me, so I will be to others”.
4. “As I pray, I’ll measure Your compassion by the cross and Your power by the resurrection”
Day 9: Creating dialogue
We are in the home stretch of our time of prayer and fasting! We pray that you are experiencing a deeper level of connection within your family as you focus your attention towards Jesus. Today, spend time as a family talking about what you have learned through these days of prayer. Remember, one of the most consistent ways to practice making disciples is within your own family unit. Take advantage of this time to go deep in discussion with one another!
Talking points: What is Jesus teaching you right now? What is Jesus asking you to do? What are you going to do about it?
Day 10: Creating change as we make a difference
The greatest Gospel message we can share with the world is through our family. The way we love one another expresses how God loves the world- totally, faithfully, freely and fruitfully. Today, become aware of how you interact with one another in front of others. Consider saying an encouraging word to your children, appreciating your spouse, or being kind to yourself. Don’t forget to say these out loud in front of others so we can model to the world the loving compassion that our Savior has.